Chair Pilates is a gentle exercise series designed for people with limited mobility and energy. If you are unable to get down to the floor due to muscle weakness, pain or balance issues, this exercise program is for you. Many of these exercises will help with strengthening the upper back and arms, teach you breathing techniques to help activate the abdominal muscles, and help strengthen your abdominal core. In addition, these exercises may help with common cancer treatment symptoms such as chemo brain, constipation, fatigue, muscle & bone density loss, loss of appetite and depression.The goal of this program is to slowly build up your strength and help make your immune system stronger so the body can better tolerate the side effects of cancer treatment and other chronic conditions.
You will need a chair without arms, small ball or yoga block and a stretchy exercise band of lightweight resistance. Position your body so you are seated at the edge of the chair. As always, please consult with your doctor before starting any exercise routine, especially if you are recovering from surgery. Always go at your own pace and stop if you are experiencing pain or discomfort.